Corporate Ergonomics


It is a known fact that 8 out of 10 employees will suffer injuries of the soft tissue and 2 out of 10 will suffer pain continuously as a direct result of using a computer for a large part of the working day.

Headaches, migraines, tense shoulders, neck, low-back and wrist pain are just some examples of common complaints that lead a staff member to acquire medical attention.

Prevention is better than a cure! Many of these symptoms can be reduced or eliminated before they manifest by identifying problems and key areas of dysfunction via simple and inexpensive workplace assessments, health awareness and ergonomics training.

Our ergonomic programs are designed to improve productivity, reduce absenteeism and reduce unnecessary medical expenses for typical overuse injuries. A healthy and happy workforce creates efficiency and increases productivity.


It might seem fanciful to assert that office chairs are responsible for an increasing proportion of workers' compensation claims, but recent figures show how musculo-skeletal injuries are increasing in office working environments.

What is happening to you and your colleagues?


If you walk into any computer-based office environment, have a look around and count how many people you can see sitting 'properly' in the way we all know is good for us. Compare that with the number perched at the front of their chairs, legs crossed, one foot on the floor, body tilted diagonally to the computer monitor, arm stretched wide to the mouse. Count the others collapsed back away from the desk, hunching shoulders forward to peer into the screen.

It is no wonder that even in relatively safe working environments such as the modern office, even with access to good ergonomic advice and furniture, back and occupational overuse injuries (OOS) injuries are on the increase.


The situation is far worse for labourers, factory and floor operators! Although they are told to stand straight, stand with correct posture and work on the factory floor without compromising the integrity of their spine, how are they really to know, without correct ergonomic and postural advice?

What is ergonomics?

Ergonomics is the applied science of equipment design intended to maximize productivity by reducing operator fatigue, discomfort and stress. Body mechanics is defined as maintaining the proper or most efficient position during movement, pertaining to the least amount of stress on postural muscles for a particular movement

So how do you decrease injuries in the workplace? Decrease the amount of stress to the body!

In other words; setting up the work environment and training staff to use correct body mechanics to stop injuries to workers, and remembering that prevention is much better than a cure, for the employee and the employer.

More simply, ergonomics is a discipline that involves arranging the environment to fit the person in it. When ergonomics is applied correctly in the work environment, visual and musculoskeletal discomfort and fatigue are reduced significantly.

Following ergonomic principles helps reduce stress and eliminate many potential injuries and disorders associated with the overuse of muscles, bad posture, and repeated tasks. This is accomplished by designing tasks, work spaces, controls, displays, tools, and equipment to fit the employee’s physical capabilities and limitations.

Today, smart companies rely on advanced Ergonomics Programs as a means of maximizing employee productivity, efficiency, and moral by reducing fatigue and mental/muscular stress in the office setting.

Corporate Ergonomics Program

Our Ergonomics Program is unique, personal and highly successful. Our on-going corporate clients continually benefit from this hands-on program in terms of increased employee performance, productivity, and a noticeable decrease in absenteeism.

By assisting in the creation of a neutral body position during daily office tasks, Corporate Ergonomics Program reduces stress and strain on muscles, tendons, and the skeletal system, thereby diminishing and correcting problems associated with common musculoskeletal disorders created by long hours and repetitious work demands.

You owe it to yourself to explore the possibilities this extraordinary program and the benefits it will present to your company and its employees.

How we help for your company?


We will visit your office to provide a preliminary workplace/employee ergonomic evaluation. During this first visit, he will determine the main causes of individual stress and muscle tension as the result of the incorrect placement of everyday work tools such as computers, desks, chairs, lighting and any other sources of discomfort that can limit the proper execution of necessary daily job activities.


After the initial evaluation, we will personally design and implement a two-month program that will improve each participants work posture, thereby helping them relieve stress and tension from the body. Combined with body posture correction and physical Therapy, will promote a rapid recovery to normal posture, allow for a swift return to normal activities, and increase daily work productivity.


He will also treat and train your employees in the use of corrective stretching exercises that strengthen the same weak muscles that are the cause of daily discomfort at their workstations.