Geriatric physical Therapy

Geriatric physical Therapy Chronic diseases increase in frequency with age, with 80 per cent of the elderly having at least one chronic condition. However, it does not follow that every older person suffers from disease processes. Aging itself is a relatively benign process that is compatible with independence in all physical activities when minimal chronic illness is present.

On the other hand, 45 per cent of those persons over the age of 65 have some limitation in the performance of activities of daily living, and of those over 85 years of age, 60 per cent show such limitations. Rehabilitation through physical therapy (simple exercises) seeks to reduce these limitations by improving functional capacity of the elderly disabled person. Based on this principle, rehabilitation in the elderly population should emphasize “prevention through training” to preserve unimpaired functions and to restore those functions that are impaired.

Special considerations in the care of elderly

The elderly patient is more likely to have pathological lesions in many organ systems. As a result, the rehabilitation program for a specific functional disability may be complicated by several concurrent medical problems. Thus, for example, the elderly stroke victim may not only suffer from cerebrovascular disease but also may have osteoarthritis coronary heart diseases and peripheral vascular disease.

Ideal physical therapists concerned with the elderly patient should take all health factors into account in developing a rehabilitation plan for the individual patient.

The quality of life during the period of survival is a primary concern of the Physical therapist. Some elderly disabled patient may have limited functional reserve, which limits the goal that may be achieved through the rehabilitation program. For such patients, the realistic goal should include improving the quality of life.

A bedridden chronically ill elderly patient may become socially isolated, leading to depression and withdrawal from social contact. On the other hand, a geriatric patient may become more active socially after a short course of geriatric physical therapy session. On effective rehabilitation program helps this patient to live a more independent and socially involved life.

Comprehensive rehabilitation is cost efficient as well as effective in improving the quality of life. The expense entailed in prolonged nursing home or home health care maker may far exceed the cost of an effective for patient.

Our GETWELL Physical therapists are well trained and committed to care of elderly individual. We are rehabilitating extensive range of geriatric patient varying from Orthopedic, neurological and cardio-vascular involvement. We also visiting old age homes and offering services.

Common Geriatric conditions we treat.